Coding Tutorials

ESP32 CAM: How To Save Movies On An SD Card

Here’s a tutorial that shows you how to record a movie using the ESP32 CAM microcontroller module and save it onto an SD card. I’ve used the ESP32-CAM-Video-Recorder-junior example project. It records a series of short movies in .AVI format onto the ESP32 CAM’s SD card. It doesn’t need a wifi connection so you can use it anywhere.

The ESP32 CAM module has an integrated Micro SD card slot. Personally I use 4 Gb cards with my camera modules, but apparently cards as large as 16 Gb work too.

If you’re wondering what the image quality is like, here’s a cinematic style movie I recorded using the ESP32 CAM module with the popular OV2640 fisheye lens. The lens has a 160° field of view and is really nice considering it’s so small.

In the above video I discuss some of the various issues with taking movies, including the notorious green tint, the lack of a viewfinder and some strange quirks I found while recording the AVI files.

If you have any other issues with the ESP32 CAM module then do please drop a comment below or on the Youtube comments page.

Source Code

Get the ESP32 CAM code for saving movies onto an SD card here: ESP32-CAM-Video-Recorder-junior

Note this isn’t my code I’m just demonstrating how to use it to shoot movies on the ESP32.

If you have any other issues with the ESP32 CAM module then do please drop a comment below or on the Youtube comments page.

One thought on “ESP32 CAM: How To Save Movies On An SD Card

  • Michael Plain

    Hello their I have been watching you on Youtuble doing your project ESP32-CAM-Video-Recorder-junior

    its seem the code from something worry with it I have download it edit the code by watch you video on youtuble open up Arduino to edit the code and have problems with code so watch your video again done want you did with the code online in youtuble by and still have problems with it i think work it out now the video problem not recorder it to sd card and the red light on the esp23-cam is not flashing on the back of it the red light is all aways on just check the sd card which is a 4gib card and the only fing on it is CodingWithBret9.999.txt with no video on it so their problem with the code online I have spend one full day on this project and can’t get it work do you have a other code this project ( do you have a copy of the code thats works )


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